Bangladesh Trade World

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bangladesh - An Emerging Tiger

·    Largest Democracy
·    Continuous GDP growth of 5%-7%
·    Stable currency and no major fluctuations over the last three years
·    Resilient high growth economy led by strong exports
·    Bangladesh has always fulfilled its debt obligations
·    Both JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have included Bangladesh among their shortlists of “transitional states likely to succeed.
·    Standard & Poor's (S&P’s)
·    Moody’s Investors Service: Ba3
·    Country of young population, 77% born after 1971 – the year of great liberation war!
·    Large labor force that is increasingly better skilled
·    More than 3 times increase in literacy rate in last 3 decades
·    Majority of the young are computer literate and speak in English wel
·    Moderate Muslim country – tolerance, harmony, co-existence
·    Global leader of micro finance, land of social entrepreneurship/social business and micro finance innovation
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